Claire Ross-Brown
Claire Ross-Brown became known in Denmark for her role as Casper and Frank's secretary in Klovn and yet, has many other impressive roles on her CV.
Claire was born in London and debuted in the English tv series EastEnders on the BBC. She later moved to Denmark, where she continued her acting career, in Danish.

Known for
In addition to Claire's legendary role in Klovn, we know her from strong performances in films such as Bloodlines where she plays up against Nikolai Coster-Waldau and Ulrich Thomsen as well as Love me forever with Dougray Scott.
Claire is also featured in the new HBO Max series, Kamikaze.
The Other Life, Bella (Supporting), Jonas Elmer, Bepop Films
The Stranger Inside, Jane (Supporting), Adam Neutsky-Wulff, Drama Deluxe Films
First Sight, Chloe (Lead), ACP Films
Take Out the Trash, Tine (Supporting), Rasmus Heide, Fridthjof Film
Love Me Forever, Gloria (Supporting), Ulf Hulthberg, Movie Fan Productions
The Black Pimpernail, Elena (Supporting), Ulf Hulthberg, Movie Fan Productions
Pisteleros, Michelle (Lead), Wize Guy Producitons, Shaky Gonzales
The Collector, Receptionist, Lasse Spang Olsen, ASA Films
Commonwealth, Annette (Lead), Jullian Ficarelli, Ficarelli Films
The Horror Vault, Julia Herrington (lead), Cetus Productions
Speak of the Devil, Natalie (Lead), Revolver Films / Shaky Gonzales
Far from China, Selena (Lead), Christian Leigh
Rainbow, Schoolgirl, Ken Russell
Kamikaze, 2021
Klovn, Claire, Mikkel Norgaard, Zentropa productions
Agony, Co Star, Phil Pristman, Sky
EastEnders, Co Star, BBC productions