Christian Fuhlendorff
Christian Fuhlendorff is one of the most popular comedians in the country, who with his extensive talent has also made a name for himself as an actor, TV, radio, and podcast host. Since his debut on the Danish stand-up scene, he has delighted both audiences and critics with his gifted improvisations that elegantly come together in sharp observations, making any experience with him enriching and highly entertaining. He was fully deserving of the award for "Comedian of the Year" at the Zulu Comedy Galla in 2015 for his one-man show "For at gøre en kort historie lang" and his hosting role in the radio program GHANDI on DR P3. Fuhlendorff has also made a name for himself as one of the country's most popular podcast hosts in recent years with "Hva' Så?!" and "Op af kaninhullet".

Known for
Christian Fuhlendorff burst onto the comedy scene in 2007 with his debut one-man show "Mit første one man show", which received rave reviews from critics. But even before that, he and Brian Mørk delivered a fresh interpretation of "The Bible," which also earned him high praise in the press. He went on to join the five-man tour "De Udvalgte" with Brian Mørk, as well as the show "Livet i nødsporet" with Tobias Dybvad. Fuhlendorff continued with his second one-man show "Enestående" in 2012, followed by "For at gøre en kort historie lang" in the fall of 2014, which garnered many five-star reviews and earned him the title of "Comedian of the Year" at the Zulu Comedy Galla 2015. He also received critical acclaim for his one-man shows "Det er ligegyldigt hva' andre tænker, ikk'?" in 2016, "Christian Fuhlendorff går over i historien del 1 og 2" in 2018, and "Det sjovt!” in 2020. From spring 2024, Fuhlendorff will be back with his new show "ÆRLIG TALT”(HONESTLY SPEAKING).
Biblen, 2006
Mit første one man show, 2007
De Udvalgte, 2009
Livet i Nødsporet, 2011
Enestående, 2012
For at gøre en kort historie lang, 2014
Det er ligegyldigt hva' andre tænker, ikk'?, 2016
Går over i historien, 1. del i foråret 2018 / 2. del i efteråret 2018
Har desuden optrådt ved “Talegaver til børn” og “Comedy Aid”
Late Night lørdage, vært, Nørrebro Teater, 2011/2012/2013/2014
Robin In the Hood, skuespiller, Nørrebro Teater, 2013
Mågens , skuespiller, Nørrebro Teater, 2015
Legenden om vogterne, (stemme til Graver), 2010
Hop (stemme til HP), 2011
Smølferne (stemme til Brillesmølf), 2011
Arthurs julegaveræs (stemme til Peter), 2011
LEGO Filmen - Et klodset eventyr (stemme til Benny), 2014
Rio 2, 2015
Fuhlendorff og de skøre riddere, TV2 Zulu, 2022
Kristian, tv-serie, TV2 Zulu, 2009/2010
Livet i nødsporet, tv-serie og dokumentarfilm, TV2 Zulu, 2011/2012
Husk lige Tandbørsten, DR1, 2012
En gang for alle, TV2 Zulu, 2013
Zulu Awards, TV2 Zulu, 2013
Rundt på gulvet, TV2, 2013, 2015
Hånd i hånd, Mastiff Production/TV3
Zulu Stand-Up Live, TV2 Zulu , 2015
Det Sene Show, TV3, 2016
Radio & Podcasts
Hvad Så?!, podcast-serie, + 400 afsnit, 2017 -
Op af Kaninhullet, podcast-serie, DR LYD, 2022
Freakshowet, The Voice, 2005
Tjenesten, DR P3, 2006
GHANDI, DR P3, 2014, 2015, 2016
Fra os til dig, historien “Mor ved hvor alting er”, 2006